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Bamboo floor daily maintenance necessary knowledge
- 分类:公司新闻
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- 发布时间:2018-03-15 14:39
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Bamboo floor daily maintenance necessary knowledge
【概要描述】First of all, we should try to keep the indoor dry humidity stable. When the climate in the northern region is relatively dry, especially when heating is turned on, consumers can adjust the humidity t
- 分类:公司新闻
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- 发布时间:2018-03-15 14:39
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First of all, we should try to keep the indoor dry humidity stable. When the climate in the northern region is relatively dry, especially when heating is turned on, consumers can adjust the humidity through different methods, such as using a humidifier or placing potted water on the heating. In the rainy season in the south, consumers should keep the interior dry, and take care to prevent moisture. .
Second, avoid damaging the bamboo flooring surface. Avoid hard objects, sharp scratches, metal rubbing bamboo flooring, etc. Prevent dust, sand and other objects from entering the room. Because of the tiny particles of ash, the surface of the bamboo floor will wear out after a long time, which will affect the appearance. You can place a doormat in the doorway, or get into the habit of changing the slippers. Furniture that moves frequently can be fitted with foot pads to prevent it from damaging the bamboo floor when moving.
Third, you need to use the right method to clean bamboo flooring. In daily use, keep the bamboo flooring clean and clean, use a clean broom to sweep, and then use a wrung mop to drag, usually with a soft damp cloth to gently wipe the bamboo flooring, of course, can also be used like a carpet, with a vacuum cleaner Remove dust from bamboo flooring.
Finally, wax the bamboo flooring regularly. According to the use conditions, it can be waxed every few years to keep the paint film smooth and smooth. If conditions permit, floor waxes can be applied to the surface of the bamboo floor in 2 to 3 months, which will provide better maintenance.
In addition, special attention should be paid to: Avoid contact with a large amount of water on the bamboo flooring. If water spills on the bamboo flooring, it should be wiped dry.
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